Kickstart your dream career in Japan!

The team from Japan Life Stories is currently working hard on building a comprehensive & actionable mentorship program to help you find a job in Japan.

-> Benefit from our decade-long experience on the Japanese job market.
-> Gain exclusive access to practical tips from industry experts.
-> Discover the shortcuts we would have liked to know early on!

Join the waiting list today

Do not miss your chance, we'll launch with a limited number of participants. Fill out the form below and get updates as soon as we are ready.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Paul Gaumer

    Entrepreneur & Consultant

    Who am I?

    Hi, my name is Paul! I have been helping foreign talents build careers in Japan since 2011.

    I also host the Japan Life Stories podcast, interviewing and sharing success stories of expatriates in Japan.

    What will you learn?

    In this course, you'll learn the hard and soft skills needed to land a job in Japan.

    You'll get a chance to share your project with me for personalized counceling.

    You'll finally receive a series of assignements designed to have a direct impact on your job search and help you move, set by step, towards your goal.